FS 2002 Parachutist Reconfigs
by Rich Hogen

A repaint & reconfig of the original model parglics.zip by Captain Slug and the original panel funglide.zip by Michel Polski for use in FS2002.

Captain Slug gave me permission to release this repaint/reconfig, but Michel Polski's email kept bouncing back. Michel, if you're out there, please let me know if you approve of or object to this package and I'll rectify the situation one way or the other.

When I'm simulating combat exercises with my flying mates and I need to eject due to battle damage (see ArrestorCables utility at the URL above) I switch to this parachutist "aircraft" comprised of Captain Slug's parglics.zip, Michel Polski's funglide.zip panel and the enclosed alterations of both.

Download and install parglics.zip. Download and install the funglide.zip panel into your installation of parglics.zip. Then unzip this archive into your FS2002 folder and it will replace several files from the originals.

The alterations are as follows:
1) strengthened landing gear and made it less likely to tip over after landing,
2) reduced roll moment of inertia to add a little more roll responsiveness,
3) removed spoilers,
4) made wind sound work in 2k2
5) added smoke system
6) removed the legs and feet from the panel, which was intended for supine parafoiling, not vertical parachuting,
7) added a magnetic compass to the panel
8) darkened the chute and person's torso textures (I use it for battle bailouts, so a bright blue chute and a bright white jumpsuit on the pilot wasn't quite right -- all other parts of the pilot are not textured, i.e. hard-coded to white, so I could not change them).

There may be some other changes I've forgotten, but these are most of them.

Straighten your legs before landing (lower your gear), but DO NOT TRY TO RAISE YOUR GEAR or you'll likely sink into the surface on landing. I don't know what causes this.

Make sure you touch down as level as possible or you might tip over.

If you're trying for a precision landing, set parking brakes before touchdown.

I also recommend Captain Slug's jetmn.zip "Jet Pack Man" for use after landing your parachutist (and also for some fun flying!), because the parachute remains above the chutist after landing, which looks unrealistic and makes it that much easier to find you in rescue situations.