FS2002 F-104 USAF in a very interesting paintscheme.
This is a repaint of Massimo Taccoli's F-104S and represents a F-104 in a paintscheme i found over at Harry's Starfighter site: http://www.starfighters.nl/ . The plane contains a panel, smoke effects and the sound is aliased to the default Lear 45.

Panel for FS200,FS2002:
F-104 Starfighter

Uses almost only FS2002 default gauges over photoreal bitmap by Phil Perrot.
Rework from previous FS98 panel by Marco Spada - P.V.I. Roma.

NOTE: Panel Package extensively modified by Simone Pratticò whit the permission of the original author, Caserta, Italy, May 2001.



There are various methods, but i allwas choose to create a separate folder called "something" and unzip the downloaded files to that "something". Then open it up and cut out the Orange F-104 folder and paste it in FS2K2 aircraft folder. Put the It is a bit "unnescesary" but in this way, you can check out what the folder contains. Put the fx_smoke_rx.fx in the Effects folder, and the gauges in the Gauges folder. Thats it...

Credit to Erick Cantu from FX design for those great metal textures used in this repaint.
Henry William