AI-TRAFFIC for the south pacific, including Australia and New Zeland, this package includes 9 airlines
over 3,600 dayli and weekly flights, AFCADs,aircraft models and textures(air calin, air vanuatu, air nauru,
freedom air, royal tonga, solomon airlines, polynesian airlines, ansett, jetstar)


detailed description:

airline: country: aircraft models: num of aircraft in service fot this package:

Air Calin New Caledonian 3 8
Air Vanuatu Vanuatu 2 2
Air Nauru Australia 1 1
Freedon AIR Australia 1 4
Royal Tonga tonga\New Zeland 1 17
Solomon Airlines Solomon Islands 1 1
Polynesian Airlines Polinesia 2 4
Ansett Australia 4 69
JetStar Australia 2 16

TOTAL -- ALL -- 12 122


- Canberra Australia
- Sidney Australia
- Brisbane Australia
- Melbourne Australia
- Auckland New Zeland
- Christchurch New Zeland
- Wellington New Zeland
- Nadi Fiji islands
- Nuku'alofa Tonga islands
- Noumea New Caledonia
(and many others minor airports)


- to complete this south_pacific_traffic, i recomend to download PAI airlines packages at you will
find there some missing airlines in this pack such:

- Qantas
- Air New Zeland
- Thai airways
- Australian airlines
- virgin Blue

and some others.

-i also recomend to download the AI sound pack called: by Brandon Williams you can find this file in:, i really really recomend this ai sound set.

flight planes by: Luis Felipe Pech Pacheco
AFCADs by: Luis Felipe Pech Pacheco\PAI
Aircraft models by: PAI\Advark\FsPainter\ARNZ
Aircraft textures by: PAI\Advark\FsPainter\ARNZ
Compilation by: Luis Felipe Pech Pacheco
questions ????? wirte to:

Luis Felipe pech Pacheco