The three additional "ZZZA Floatplane" folders are ready-made templates to set up these aircraft as AI floatplanes:

1. FS default Cessna 208 Caravan, already in your FS9\Aircraft folder
2. DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver for FS2004, by John L. Woodward,, at avsim and elsewhere
3. Noorduyn Norseman, by Brian Gladden,, at avsim and elsewhere

General Procedures:

Within each "ZZZA Floatplane" folders are empty subfolders in the same arrangement as in the original aircraft. Panel and Sound subfolders are excluded as they don't have any use for AI traffic. In addition you'll find a file called my_aircraft.cfg, which contains the changes you need to make to the original aircraft.cfg. To install the model and textures and make the necessary changes, follow these steps:

1. Download the aircraft and unzip into a temporary folder.

2. Copy & paste the contents of the aircraft's model and texture subfolders into the corresponding subfolders of the template folders.

3. Copy & paste both the aircraft.cfg and *.air files from the main folder of the original add-on aircraft into the corresponding "ZZZA Floatplane" folder.

4. Open both aircraft.cfg and my_aircraft.cfg in a text editor, such as Notepad or Wordpad.

5. For each section in my_aircraft.cfg separated by dashed lines (//---) find the corresponding section in the aircraft.cfg file and replace the corresponding lines (and only those!) with those of my_aircraft.cfg file.

6. Save the modified aircraft.cfg file.

7. Move the completed "ZZZA Floatplane" folder into your FS9\Aircraft folder.

Once you have completed all the necessary steps for your choice of add-on aircraft, you can either delete the original aircraft (except the default Cessna 208) or, if you want to fly it yourself, complete the installation as directed by the author of that aircraft. All of the originals use different aircraft titles and won't interfere with their AI counterparts.

The final step is to set up flightplans for the new floatplanes (the Aircraft_addons.txt contains a complete list of the extra aircraft). For this you'll need to be familiar with Traffic Tools ( Please refer to Lee Swordy's documentation for further instructions.


Holger Sandmann

January, 2004