FSX Ryan YO-51 Dragonfly

The YO-51 was a prewar US Army Air Corps attempt to create a STOL aircraft. It is not known how successful it was as to this day performance data was never declassified or if it was never published. I did find a 3 view of it; probably from a plastic model and not accurate compared to the few available photo's. I always erred in favor of the photo's. The flight model does have STOL characteristics and I figured the rest of the performance would be similar to a Stinson Reliant or a prewar Waco biplane(similar drag characteristics and engine power) This is a FSX-Acceleration project created with FSDSv3.51 and Fsdsxtweak by Dave Nunez.
The reflective textures are in .dds format. I could not find any data on the cockpit so I created one based on a "same time" Army attack plane. The VC has working gauges and the flight controls are animated. There is a minimal 2D panel. It has the usual animations plus drooping ailerons animated cowl flaps and leading edge slats ala Handley Page.

INSTALLATION: Unzip YO.zip into a temporary folder. Copy the folder YO-51 into the Airplanes folder of FSX Open the gauges folder and copy Lockheed_Vega.cab into the Gauges folder of FSX. Copy it :as is" and don't open it or the gauges won't show. This aircraft shows in the Aircraft Selection List as Ryan Dragonfly USAAC.

LEGAL: This project is released as freeware. You may repaint it, make panel modifications and upload to this or another website as long you give me credit for the original design. You need my written permission to use any of these files for commercial purposes. Be advised this project will be uploaded by me to www.SurClaro and www.simviation.com. If you find it and download from another site, I am not responsible for the integrity of the files.
This airplane should not hurt your computer but I am not responsible if you think it causes problems.

Enjoy! Paul Clawson

Email: p.pandj@verizon.net