This XV-1 was built from photos furnished by the Ft. Rucker Army Aviation museum where 1 of the 2 XV-1's built resides. It's in a warehouse waiting to be restored. It was on display outside for many years.

I do not have any panel photos but inasmuch as it was built in 1953 and was experimental I'm sure it did not need to be certified for instrument flight. All of the instruments are standard Bell 206 included with FS2K. Speed for the XV-1 (cruise/max. in MPH): 138/203 so it required a different A/S indicator than the 206. File: 00.airspeed.gau found in the panel folder should be copied to your gauges folder after installation.

It's a very unique aircraft and was a pleasure to build.

Let me know if you have problems or identify issues. Enjoy.