Instalation Help!

Included in the file you just downloaded are a few inportant things.

Firstly the "READ ME" which I hope you have, because it's the heart
of what this repaint is about.

Secondly a folder named "texture.2" <----thats the repaint!

Thirdly a file called "Aircraft.cfg"

The quick method!
If you just want a repaint and are not bothered about keeping your
old textures (I suggest renaming them anyway) simple rename the
"texture.2" file to "texture" and copy it into your EE_Lightning folder.

Thats it!

The REAL method!
Copy the "Aircraft.cfg" file and the "texture.2" folder into EE_Lightning
(C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Aircraft\EE_Lightning).

All this does is list the repaint correctly and keeps all other repaints intact!

Thats Really it!

Any questions about this repaint or others:
Email me at:

Happy flying from Wayne!