Mitsubishi F-104J Starfighter

Wingspan: 21.9 ft
Length: 54.8 ft
Height: 13.5 ft

NASARR F-15J-31 Radar

Propulsion: Ishikawajima-Harima J79-IHI-11A
Thrust: 17,800 lbs
Airflow: 162 lbs/sec
Weight: 2,900 lbs
Length: 207 in
Maximum Diameter: 35.18 in
Pressure Ratio: 11.8 to 1

Empty Weight: 14,903 lbs
Max MGTOW: 30,997 lbs
Internal Fuel: 897 US gal
External Fuel: 730 US gal
Max Fuel: 1927 US gal

Max speed, Mil power: Mach 0.95
Econ: Mach 0.89 at 36,000
Max Speed: Mach 2.25+ at 36,000 ft
Landing speed: 175 knots

Normal Range: 730 nm
Maximum Range: 1500 nm
Service Cieling: 64,795 ft

Air-to-air missiles:
AIM-9B Sidewinders (a pair of wingtip-mounted and a pair underneath the fuselage)
Primary Function: Air-to-air missile
Contractor: Raytheon Co.; Ford Aerospace and Communications Corp.; Loral
Power Plant: Thiokol Hercules and Bermite MK 36 Mod 11; single-stage, solid-propellant rocket motor
Length: 9 ft 6 inches
Diameter: 5 inches
Fin Span: 2 ft 1 inch
Speed: Supersonic
Warhead: Blast fragmentation (conventional) weighing 20.8 pounds (9.36 kg)
Launch Weight: 190
Range: 8.7 nm
Guidance System: Solid-state infrared homing system
Unit Cost: $41,300
Date Deployed: 1956

M61A1 20-mm Cannon whit 750 rds