********Japan Maritime Self Defense Force Beechcraft King Air 90********

Thank you for the download. I am happy if it is possible to have an opinion,
a reflection, an advice and so on. Please enjoy.
by Tomohito UNAYAMA kikumasa@tc4.so-net.ne.jp

* This is FS2002 use only.
* I can not bear responsibility to any fault which happened in using this.
You should use this in your own responsibility.
* You should never make any money with this.
* All copyrights are reserved by me. If you want to make any changes, or
redistribute this file, you should ask me by e-mail before do it.

Copy "TC-90v20" file into the "AIRCRAFT" folder in your FS2002 folder. That is all.

* Control surfaces
* Flaps
* Props
* Gears(nose gear can be steered), bay doors
* Landing lights
* Heads of pilots(with rudder)
* Door(operated by "/"key)

* Adopted to FS2002, and light effects improved from v20.

[About TC-90]
TC-90 has been operated by JMSDF as an IFR trainer from 1974. It can be said a
turboproped and pressurized version of B-65 Queen Air.

Mr. Michael Verlin for this great aerodynamics!