FS2002 Scenery
Landclass Scenery for Sydney
AUSTRALIA. Version 1.0

For FS2002 only!! Might work with FS2000, but not FS9.

This freeware scenery file includes an upgrade to the default FS2002 scenery.

Replaces the default farmland textures east of Sydney Airport with suburban landscape.


1. Unzip SydneyLC.zip to a temporary folder. Be sure to tick "use folder names".
This will create a folder called Sydneylandclass. It will contain the scenery folder. Place this into your FS2002 scenery folder. Make sure there is no Texture folder as the scenery will not work properly.

2. Start FS2002 and open the world/scenery library.
Click on "add area" and browse to you new Sydneylandclass scenery folder.
Single click on the folder name and fill in the scenery area title box.
Call it whatever the like.
Click OK.
Close the scenery library dialog box by clicking on the "tick".

EZ-Landclass by Russel Dirks was used to create the landclass file.

SydneyLC.zip and Sydneylandclass.bgl are distributed as Freeware. You may copy and distribute these freely, however you may not charge money for it. Any scenery you create using this program can only be distributed as FREEWARE, and must include mention of the author in the credits.

Use this program at your own risk. The author accepts no liability for damage (real or imagined) caused to your computer while using this program.

Copyright 2005: Joe Leone.
(Sydney, Australia)