FS2002 - Zeppelin R.IV Riesenflugzeug 1916
Stephan Scholz - January 2003


Unzip and place the folder "StaakenR4" into theAircraft directory.
Unzip and place the gauges into the gauges folder.

The Virtual Zeppelin R.IV:

Made with Abacus Aircraft Factory 99 and animated with Abacus Aircraft Animator.
This model is based on lots of detailed information from various sources on the Internet

Blauer Max Flugzeug Museum

I had always been curious how these huge old planes would fly, and thanks to Aircraft Factory 99 and FDEditor, it has been possible to re-reate this giant, built almost 90 years ago. Its immense proportions and low power give it a totaly different flying sensation to what we are accustomed to nowadays in modern aircraft.

Featured in 1916 splinter lozenge livery.

Flight Dynamics:
FS2002 flight dynamics have been written especially for this plane, with help from FSAviator, to prevent FSEditor from overwriting engine power parameters with default values, which render the files useless.

FS makes no provision for more than 4 engines, so I have had to configure the engines in pairs and I the thrust-lever gauges function accordingly.

In those days these planes had no flaps, wheel-steering, spoilers or brakes... although this model had pre-take-off elevator trim, and during flight it was fuel-trimmed. However, I have left in an elevator trim gauge, to facilitate level flight, and wheel-brakes, to facilitate landings.

The simple custom panel is based on a photo of the R:VI flight deck, as no pictures are available for the R.IV open cabin.
Note that the left and right thrust levers control each engine pair, as per their labels.
The vintage gauges have been made by Horst Weingärtner and Bastian Hundt.
The RPM gauges are by HGHB.
The thrust levers are engine 1, 2 and 3 thrust gauges, to funcion with the 6 engines in pairs, and are made by Brian Kostick and Jon Shepherd.

Default Cessna C182 sounds, but the GothVsnd.zip custom sounds available for download are recommended, as they have been especially designed for the low RPM level of the engines on this model.

Abacus Aircraft Animator - Props, ailerons, steering wheel-yoke, elevator and rudders.

Legal stuff:
This aircraft is freeware.
No responsibility is taken for any loss or damage incurred directly or
indirectly from its use. The original unaltered files may be freely
distributed, uploaded, downloaded and shared. Please maintain proper
credit, of course, and make no financial gain whatsoever.

Enjoy it!

Stephan Scholz