Flying the model
This plane is a fair, non critical but very powerful flying machine.
-Shift+8 shows/hides stick hands (in FS2002 and 2004)
-CTRL+E opens the canopy
-Cockpit door is opened by the Spoiler key.
-Radiator flaps are opened by the close cowl key.
TAKE-OFF :if you have manual rudder enabled, be ready to apply Right rudder and brake when you hit the throttle !
Better apply throttle proportionaly and slowly at first.
1.Parking brake on, start engine, 1/4 flaps
2.Disengage parking brake
3.Hold enough rudder, brake to keep the aircraft straight
4.Take off at about 100 Knots, wheels and flaps up at 130 Knots.
5.To fire guns activate O-key or trigger.
6.Approach at 25% flaps, wheels down at 120 Knots.
7.Touchdown at 85-90 Knots.
Like with the real plane, much use of elevator trim will be needed.