Skydiver Checklist -- Tom Goodrick

Controls: (Motion described as seen in 'cockpit view')
Stick back - increase lift for more fwd speed in glide position
Stick fwd - decrease lift in glide position
Stick left - rotate left (CCW). Use briefly. Then reverse.
Stick right - rotate right (CW). Ditto.
Left rudder - yaw or swing left.
Right Rudder - Yaw or swing right.
/ (spoiler) - deploy pilot chute (then you select Parafoil).
i - turn smoke on or off.

G (gear) - Arms forward or back.
Flap extend - Legs down.
Flap retract - Legs up.

Most stable: Legs up and arms back.
Highest speed: Same as above.
Best Glide: Arms back, legs down.
Slowest speed: Arms forward, legs down.

Normal progression:
Start with legs up and arms back.
Lower legs to begin a cross-range track.
Adjust heading carefully as needed.
Try to damp yaw with rudder pedals.
To prepare for Parafoil, move arms fwd and tap /.

You must select the Parafoil as a separate aircraft
and then continue flight. But before selecting the
Parafoil, you might want to look at Instant Replay.