FSX flights for the Space Shuttle Atlantis. First you can perform a launch from Cape Canaveral/Florida. Your Shuttle, standing at the launch tower, is prepared for the lift off ( from Bruce Fitzgerald required). You can watch the spectacle as commander through the window from the cockpit or as spotter from external view. After leaving the stratosphere you can release the boosters and the external tank. Now take control of the shuttle. The second flight is in the orbit in upside down position. Now the blue planet is above your head. Bring out the satellite! Flights from Erwin Welker.

1. Install the great animated shuttle from Bruce Fitzgerald with its Effects first (
2. Copy the folder with my flights (Flight Simulator X Files) to the place where you have all the others. It should be somewhere at the OWN Files.
Thats all!

1. Set the throttle to full power before you perform the launch.
2. Load the flight Space Shuttle launch Cape Canaveral
3. Press Y for the lift off
4. After leaving the stratosphere throttle down to zero and release the boosters (Shift E2)
5. After your external tank is empty, release it (Shift E3). To take control again for the shuttle press Y again.
6. After you reached the desired orbit, load my flight Space Shuttle in orbit
7. Open the cargobay (Shift E)
8. Set out the satellite into the orbit (Sh E4)

This file is FREEWARE. It should not harm your computer, but you install it on your own risk.
Feel free to copy or to distribute it, but don't make any money with it. It is not permitted to use it for commercial-purpose.


More Files with my work at SurClaro and/or .com: (Searchkey: WELKER)

Any comments to:

Happy landings

Erwin Welker

22 December 2009