Saudi Arabian Airlines 747-400V4 For FS2004, certain features on this plane will not work with FSX so please don't bother with this plane on your FSX.
Model By Project Opensky.

To Install:

1) Go to: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Flight Simulator 9/Aircraft

2)unzip the file to there

3)enjoy but there is one last thing before you can enjoy the plane, please read the next set of steps.

For the Real 747-400 Cockpit.

1) Click on "747-400 Cockpit"

2) extract the "gauges" folder

3) now click on the gauges folder you've just extracted,

4) copy and paste all the zipped files to your gauges folder Notice: please do not unzip the zipped files in the extracted gauges folder.

Shift+7 for posky utility.