
Olympic Aviation Cessna 152

By Maximos Sevastopoulos

Olympic Aviation Textures by Maximos Sevastopoulos
Original by Marcelo Cánovas

The model featured is the SX-BDP used for Pilot training flights by
OAv (a subsidiary of Olympic Airways) within Greece. This aircraft
with another two 152s (SX-BDR and SX-BDQ) are based at Athens
Hellenikon Airport. They are the three smallest aircraft based at Athens
International airport, which often have to arrive or depart between a
747 or an A340. They are operated by OAv's Pilot Training School
SEXOA for OAv and private trainees. Aircraft SX-BDR was delivered to
OAv on 26/09/1980 and the other two were there five months earlier.

Un-zip the Archive in to the Aircraft main directory

The pictures of the real one are from the Olympic Aviation Magazine and Greek PTISI magazine issue Jul/Aug99.
C152_OAv_1.jpg SX-BDG (another one, sold later) back on delivery era.
C152_OAv_2.jpg Nowadays

Maximos Sevastopoulos pastor@otenet.gr