Avions Robin 3000 by Nick Pike.
Panel by Matthias Lieberecht.

For FS2002/FS2000, version 2.0
January 2002.

Any comments to n.pike@cableinet.co.uk
Panel comments to Lieberecht@cw-net.de

The Avions Company based in France manufactures this aircraft. It's a light four seat aircraft powered by a Lycoming 0-360-A2A, 4 cylinder, 2000 h TBO engine.
This was the first aircraft I produced as v 1.0 and v 2.0 clears up the 'wrinkles'. I have also added 'Mobile Mike', a fully animated pilot. The tail number is an actual aircraft I found on the net that had a comprehensive set of photographs I could work from. The detail is not exact. The canopy of the actual aircraft mentioned above has a sun visor built in, but some variants have the full glass type and I used this type as I think it looks better. Also, some of the paint trim was changed for the same reason, but overall, the aircraft is a good representation of this type.
All the usual control surfaces work, 'Mobile Mike' added, a fully animated pilot. Head moves with rudder and ailerons, arms with push/pull/rotating yoke for elevator and aileron control. Legs move with rudder pedals. The aircraft has night lighting including landing light beams.
For further information on the panel, see Matthias Lieberecht's files in the panel folder.

To install:
Unzip to your FS2002\AIRCRAFT or FS2000\AIRCRAFT Folder using WinZip or similar program.
Unzip the gauges.zip to the gauges folder.
Rename the FS2000_aircraft.cfg file for FS2000.

Usual Legal Stuff

This aircraft package is supplied as Freeware and the associated copyright details apply.
No financial gain should be made with it.
Use at your own risk. I am in no way responsible for anything that happens to you or your equipment as a result of using these files (although, for the life of me, I cannot imagine what horrors would happen to you or your computer).

I hope you enjoy flying this little aircraft.

Nick Pike.