--- Real 737 cockpit Sound -- V.1.1.0

Updated at the 26th of November 2008
by Francesco Papinutti


Questo รจ il pacchetto di installazione per "Real 737 cockpit Sound V.1.1.0".

Come prima cosa estrarre tutti i file contenuti nello .zip in una cartella.
Raggiungere C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Sound e trovare la cartella PMDG.
Estrarre e sostituire in questa i file preceduti da PMDG

I file


dovranno essere sostituiti nella cartella Sound del vostro PMDG nel caso in cui abbiate il pacchetto souni 737real.


This is the installation pack of "Real 737 cockpit Sound V.1.1.0"

First extract all the .zip files in a folder.
Reach C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Sound and find PMDG folder.
Extract and subscribe in this folder PMDG files.



they may be subscribed in the Sound folder of your PMDG aircraft in the case you've installed the 737realsoundopack.

Copyright (c) 2008 North Aviation