Bendix King KAP-140 Autopilot adapted for FSX SP2.

* WORKING LIKE THE REAL APPLIANCE WOULD BE A REAL STROKE OF LUCK ; - )) Please report all your comments, remarks, ..... *
* *

Please check the aircraft.cfg file as follows for better results :

default_pitch_mode=0 // line to be added if necessary
default_bank_mode=1 // (instead of 0) - line to be added if necessary
use_no_default_bank=0 add "//" at the beginning of that line or erase the whole line

HOW DOES IT WORK in some words :

1. ON the ground
AP OFF : you take off and you are the boss
AP ON : FOLLOWING THE [Autopilot] DATA - as hereabove, = only wingleveler engaged

2. IN Flight
AP OFF : you stay the boss
AP ON : Direction : wingleveler engaged then push "HDG", "NAV", "APR", "REV" as usually
Climb : push "ALT" to capture the current altitude
then select the desired altitude with the round knob and then push "VS" to set the VSI with UP/Down buttons

To disengage all the process : push on "ALT"

3. APPROACH : "HDG" (and "ALT") is automatically disengaged when button "APP" (or "BC") is pushed and signal caught

4. Two red warnings : "T" would appear if failures in turn/heading process
"P" in case of trouble with pitch/vertical systems

Rem : a. AP can be (dis)engagded through the keyboard. In that case the current altitude will be caught instead of preset.
b. After having disengaged ALT pay attention to the pitch trim level. Be ready to adjust it quickly.
c. Panic could occur if transferring in flight from an aircraft to another with AP engaged : Disengage then engage it again by pushing AP.
d. General usual failures would appear in case of trouble with electrical/avionics systems.
e. Problems :
- NOT operating "ARM" button - because not clear in my head ; - ))
- No testing button - maybe later
- ... waiting any reports


License :

As usual: enjoy it, copy it, give it, speak about it but don't make money with it !

Of course I would be happy if you are kind enough or just honest to inform me if you redistribute it - the more if you modify it.

If any trouble, complain or idea in your mind about this work - especially about the working of the gauge in comparison with the real instruments - please report it to :
October 2010