Polar station in Soviet Arctic sector for Second International Polar Year (1932).

Freeware (ñ) 2009 Alexander Belov

This scenery is designed mostly for seaplane usage! See MAP.jpg for scenery component locations.

Following polar stations are included:

- Kanin Nos polar station

N 68* 39' E 43* 18', ICAO: KANO. NDB 305 kHz.

- Kolguev island (Bugrino polar station)

N68* 47' 04" E49* 17' 48", ICAO: BUGR.

- Ust-Oma fishery village

N66* 51.03' E046* 34.54'. ICAO: USTO.

- Indiga polar station

N 67* 42' E 48* 45', ICAO: INDG. NDB 275 kHz.

- Vaygach polar station

N70* 24' 15" E58* 47' 46", ICAO: VAYG. NDB 403 kHz.

- Yugorskii Shar polar station

N69* 49.86' E60* 45.96', ICAO: YUGS. NDB 410 kHz.

- Mys Zhelaniya polar station

N76* 50' E68* 27', ICAO: ZHEL. NDB 263.0 kHz, ATIS 118.60 kHz.

- Russkaya Gavan

N76* 11' E62* 36', ICAO: RUSG. NDB 296 kHz.

Polar station (N76* 11.69' E062* 36.36'), fishery and hunting village (N76* 13.68' E062* 41.80') and geophysics outpost laboratory (N76* 07.61' E062* 40.40', altitude 248 meters msl) are included. Icebreaker "Krassin" is anchored in the bight.

- Malye Karmakuly polar station and village

N72* 22' E52* 44', ICAO: MKAR. NDB 283 kHz.

- Belushya Guba polar station

N71* 32' E52* 19', ICAO: BELG. No radios is present.

- Matochkin Shar polar station

N73* 16' E52* 24', ICAO: MASH. NDB 327 kHz.

Two lighthouses are installed in the both ends of Matochkin Shar strait: Mys Vykhodnoj lighthouse (N73* 14.25' E56* 41.79') and Mys Stolbovoj lighthouse (N73* 17.31' E53* 53.37').

- Mare-Sale polar station

N69* 42.76' E66* 49.35', ICAO: MARS. NDB 411 KHz.

- Dikson polar station

N73* 30.13' E80* 21.49', ICAO: DIKS. NDB 222 kHz.

Grass runway is also avaliable (ICAO: DIKR).

- "Toros" surveying ship

N76* 10.5' E95* 11.6', no landing facilities, NDB 366 kHz.