Canadian C-130E Panel FS2k2 Update
January 2001
by Larry Smith

This is an update of my C130E (Canadian) Panel. This archive INCLUDES THE ORIGINAL PANEL AND THE UPDATE to allow the panel to work with Fs2002 PRO. . It is still suggested that it be used with Barry Blaisdell's (includes an Aircraft CFG file for that model ONLY) and Mike Hambly's sound file though these are not required.

The original Readme is enclosed with the Original panel - Please review it. This Readme will deal with the changes to the original panel.

The zip cc130pnl contains:

- Original - the original Fs2000 panel release (release name
- panel.gif = panel image for upload display
- file_id.diz = file upload description
- ReadmeFirst.txt = this file
- panel.cfg = the new panel CFG update
- Aircraft.cfg = READ BELOW!
- Real.jpg = photos of the real panel used for the design of this panel. Sadly the aircraft whose panel is shown in the photos is 130322 aka Boxtop22 which crashed near the North Pole on October 30, 1991 - five persons died, 13 survived the 32 hours in sub zero temperatures.

***************** I M P O R T A N T *********************************

With FS2002 ALL components of an Aircraft are closely tied to the aircraft.cfg file therefore if you are experiencing problems they may lay here. Included with this update is an Aircraft CFG file for use with THIS PANEL AND THE RECOMMENDED AIRCRAFT ONLY!

If you are using this panel with an aircraft other than the recommended one *DO NOT USE THIS CFG FILE!*

If you have other Versions ie. different "paint jobs" this CFG file will;
a) not work with them or
b) have to by edited to include them.

This Aircraft CFG file includes:

- ATC calls ie. "Lockheed C130 Hercules" "315"
- engine smoke activated with "i" key,
- visual damage,
- autopilot "fix"

INSTALLATION - Read carefully for your set-up. In all cases -moving from FS2000 to FS2k2 or ============ installing for the first time -




Situation One:

You HAVE a C130 but NOT the recommended Aircraft model;

1) FIRST install the original panel (Original ,as per the Readme file included,

2) Copy/paste this new panel.cfg into the panel folder of your C130 Aircraft overwriting when asked - that's all.

3) do not use the aircraft.cfg file!

Situation Three:
You have BOTH the recommended Aircraft model AND the original panel;

1) Follow steps in "Situation One" Steps 1 & 2 above then,

2) Copy/paste the aircraft.cfg into your main C130 folder - typically - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2002\aircraft\C130 - overwriting when asked.


First you will notice, once the panel loads, that the original HSI has been changed. It no longer functioned in FS2002. The one replacing it does and is the next best. The second change is the "auto trim" it was replaced for function and appearance. The next changes are not so apparent - the "hotbuttons" and their Windows. Below is the new list of buttons;

There are 5 windows with this panel triggered by 5 "hotbuttons"

-Radios - overhead switch 1 and Avionics Master
-GPS - stock - overhead switch 2
-Throttles - overhead switch 3
-APU/Start - overhead switch 4
-* new * - autopilot panel selected / deselected with [shift+6] ONLY.

As you are probably aware they can further be selected / deselected by [SHIFT + 0 - 6].

Unfortunately, the popular APU/Start panel has been modified. This was nessecary due the switches being uncompatible with FS2002. I consulted with the Designer and he has "retired" from the FS Design "game" and no further switches or gauges will be produced by Dai Griffiths aka DragonFlightDesign - we will miss his products and workmanship. The good news is that the Aircraft can still be started as before - infact it seems more stable. The Generator switches and APU panel, sound and act like they function - they don't. They were left there for cosmetic reasons and to allow the "appearance' of the full start procedure. The starter switches do function.

Other Changes:

-APU start panel was resized and repositioned.
-the (stock) GPS was updated to the FS2K2 version,
-the radios were replaced with ones with better readability and FS2k2 function,
-an Autopilot panel was added, to the overhead position ([Shift+6] ONLY).
-cockpit lighting modified as well as possible within FS2002 and gauge limits. (NOTE: If you should happen to edit the panel CFG with "Cfgedit" you will LOSE the night lighting!)

Start Procedure
You no longer have to start with another aircraft first, if you can "access" these other functions from your control stick or keyboard,

- fuel ON,
- battery ON,
- start with start switches on Start panel (overhead switch 4 or [shift+5]) ,
- alt./gen. ON,
- radios ON

I personally set up the "Control Assignments" as follows (for all my aircraft):

keyboard -
- 'm' is "mixture" or fuel,
- 'b' is "battery",
- 'a' is "alt",
- 'r' is "radios",
- '[' is "heading bug" left, decrease,
- ']' is "heading bug" right, increase,
- ',' IS "altimeter reset".

You can, as before, open the "start panel" in the "spot view" and watch the engines startup.

This is the LAST update for this panel as it is getting "to old" for FS2002 and any future FS200X - hopefully someone is working on one with a VC and interior views! :)

The panel was tested in FS2002 in both manual and autopilot modes - an NDB and an ILS approach was performed - no problems were found - but that doesn't mean none exist :).

The use of these files will not harm your computer in any way and when assembled were found to be virus free using the latest detection software available. I cannot guarantee the functionality in all cases.
I claim no responsibility for incorrect installation or improper system operation following installation of this panel.

Copyright and Distribution

This aircraft is released as Freeware. Copyright (C) Larry Smith
. As freeware you are permitted to distribute this
archive subject to the following conditions,

- The archive must be distributed without modification to the
contents of the archive. Redistributing this archive with any files
added, removed or modified is prohibited.

- The inclusion of any individual file from this archive in another
archive without the prior permission of the author is prohibited.
This means, for example, that you may not upload an archive that uses
our visual or flight models with your own aircraft or include it in a
package containing a panel or aircraft sounds without first obtaining
the authors' permission.

- No charge may be made for this archive other than that to cover the
cost of its distribution. If a fee is charged it must be made clear
to the purchaser that the archive is freeware and that the fee is to
cover the distributor's costs of providing the archive.

- The authors' rights and wishes concerning this archive must be

Happy Flying!
January 2002