This plane is a collaberation with many people. The flares are courtesy of Wildbat. The skin courtesy of Stev Fairs and the Mosquito is based of the Mossie by RCAF Gunner


F. Fox

Aerial Flare/ Target Marker Add-on for CFS3
Version 1.0 3/25/2003
original version by: Chris Corbett aka Manymegs
Modified Version By: Derek J. Persons AKA: flightace

files re-packaged by Paul Smith aka Smudger with permission from Wildbat due to the dissapearance of manymegs

If you come across this file MM or if you happen to see him somewhere get him to come and see us at he is missed by a lot of friends!!!


This is FREEWARE ONLY- Not to be sold in any way!

No warranty of any kind is implied. The author has taken the step of testing on multiple machines without problem;
however I cannot be held responsible if something terrible happens to your system.


*Delete your .BDP files*

2) Either copy the specific loadout text to your aircraft .xdp file: CFS3/aircraft/your_bird's_name.xdp from the stock xdp files provided in the pack, or
as i like to do copy the loadout text from the stock xdp file provided to the standalone plane of a similar type. This way you will not harm your stock birds .xdp file and
will therefore be ok for stock multiplay games. JUST REMEMBER TO MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP ANYTHING YOU CHANGE!!! (its better to be safe than sorry eh)

*****Loadouts are included for ALL 34 stock CFS3 aircraft as well as 12 popular add-on aircraft (see below)*****

3) Copy all four (4) flare folders to your CFS3/weapons folder

4) Copy to your CFS3/weapons/shared_weapons folder

5) Copy all the other textures (36) to your CFS3/fxtextures folder im unsure as to if this is needed as i wasnt involved in the original project and it may effect
some of your modified effects if you have them you might want to experiment without them.

6) After *backing up your original*, add the following lines to the bottom of your effects.xml in your main CFS3 folder using notepad (already installed on your machine).

7) Enjoy

8) Don't forget to post your screenies

9) hope to see some great missions for those up coming lancs and the b17 :o)

1) When your fire a given color of flare for the very first time, it *may* look a bit 'blocky'
this does not happen with successive salvos.

2) The placement of the flares is less than ideal on a few aircraft, notably the FW 190.
If someone would like to build new pylons that look good, *please let me know*!

Model and fx textures by Manymegs
Flare texture by Tomas Oszlar aka Wildbat

Beta testing:
Wildbat and Adler2 of the Jagdgeschwader 27 "Heinz Adlers"

Gracious thanks for your help and encouragement!

Thanks also to Dan Swart for his generous permission to create loadouts
for his standalone American B-25s; likewise to Ed Wilson- GZR "Groundhog" and
Marv Howell- GZR "Sactargets" for permission to create loadouts for thier outstanding A-26, as well as
Tomas 'WildBat' Oszlar for kind permission to loadout his numerous aircraft, including his
P-47D-25 'Tarheel Hal', Belgian Spitfire, Closterman Tempest, Captured P-47d, Captured Me 109,
Nachtjager 109....

Comments and suggestions are welcome just drop me a pm note at:
