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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20\par
\fs28 This is my first little contribution to this great Flight Sim...\par
Is a splash screen created with two great add-ons for FS2002 and FS2004:\par
- the plane: PMDG Boeing B737\par
- the great utility Active Camera 2004.\par
1.- create a backup copy of the file: ..\\FS2004\\uires\\dlgsplash.bmp\par
2.- overwrite it with my file.\par
If you collect more splash screens you can change all them by the same action. I guess than in short we'll have an splash screen randomizer...\par
When it be available, if you want conserve my splash screen you'll have to rename it to a different file name and copy it to the splash screens folder. If not, will be overwrited by the randomizer...\par
Fell free to E-mail me with your comments.\par
Carlos Lorenz Benlloch\par