Squawker 1.0, random squawk code generator

Copyright and Distribution

This program is released as freeware. Copyright (C) Christopher Head. As
freeware you are permitted to distribute this archive subject to the
following conditions:

- The archive must be distributed without modification to its contents.
Redistributing this archive with any files added, modified, or removed
is prohibited.

- The inclusion of any file from this archive in any other archive without
the prior permission of the author is prohibited.

- No charge may be made for the distribution of this archive other than to
cover the cost of distributing the archive. If a fee is charged, it must
be made clear to the purchaser that the archive is freeware and that the
fee is to cover the distributer's costs of providing the archive.

- The author's rights and wishes concerning the archive must be respected.

Squawker is a simple program which, each time it is run, will generate
a single transponder code and display it. It will display the transponder
code in a window. It will exclude any common transponder codes with
special meanings. The exclusions are 1200, 7000, 7500, 7600, and 7700.

By Christopher Head, e-mail , PGP signature available.