TAME Lockheed L-188 Electra

A Lockheed L-188 Electra in TAME livery. I hope you enjoy it. Send any comments to
richie_NY1@yahoo.com Pleae visit the Flight Simulator Ecuador page and sign the guestbook.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on the planes.

Un Lockheed L-188 Electra en los colores de TAME. Espero que les guste. Mi correo es
richie_NY1@yahoo.com Cualquier comentario, escribanme. Porfavor visiten la pagina
Flight Simulator Ecuador y firmen el libro. Quisiera saber que piensan de los aviones.

Flight Simulator Ecuador



Plane by Kevin Trinkle (e-mail: trinkle@iflypsa.com)
Flight Model by Sam Chin (e-mail: samchin1@yahoo.com)
Selected textures by Bill Schulz (e-mail: wschulz3@mediaone.net)
Thanks to Tom Gibson for his assistance.

Sounds by Rafael Zimmermann (rafaelz@avalon.sul.com.br) and Kevin Trinkle

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