For FS2002 Scenery: Northern Territory Australia, NTV5 5/11/2002


NTV5 includes Darwin, Alice Springs, Ayers Rock, Tennant Creek and Tindal/Katherine
Please note scenery and hangars at airports may not be exact.
Katherine includes the RAAF Base Tindal which is shared by Katherine's domestic airport Same as Darwin is Shared with the RAAF. Darwin also includes the secret Runway used in WW11 near Berry Springs (South of Darwin) which is also included.


For those unfamiliar with adding scenery to your flight sim follow the installation steps below.

1. ( Delete any previous versions of NT first) open and just click on the exe. to install to your FS2002 Default on your C drive or change to suit.

3. Now start FS2002 and open the scenery library. Click on "add area" and browse to the NTV5 folder.

4. Single click on the folder it should light up automatically, you wont have to type in any entries in FS2002.

5. Click OK. Close the scenery library dialog box by clicking on the "tick" or OK. You will then find NTV5 in Added areas in FS2002 on the go to page.

6. Use Dense to very dense to get the full effect but for slower computers you may need to switch back to normal to get a steady landing at dense scenery airports.

7."IMPORTANT" Download the following textures for this scenery to show correctly. Terrain Mesh for NT from:
Airport 210 Textures, VOD textures, NOVA and NOVA GOLD TEXTURES. Place these textures in your FS2002 main texture folder

The following textures can be downloaded from most flight simulator web sites.
Nova and Nova Gold can be downloaded from NOVA'S site at

This scenery is freeware and must not be sold or distributed in any form or used commercially, changed or copied with out the written consent of all the authors. No responsibility is taken in anyway for the accuracy of the scenery or damage caused to your computer by the enclosed files. If you accept this agreement please install this scenery.

Thanks to Pascal Meziat, Brian McWilliams, Tom Hiscox & Manfred Moldenhauer for APT 2.60 & SCASM program and Rafael Garcia Sanchez for his fantastic NOVA and NOVA GOLD textures. Also thanks to Frank Betts and Trevor de Stigter for their great Static Aircraft, Frank Foreman and Dan Geis for the navy ships, John de Langristin for his old Sailing Ships, The Gambier Hangars from Millicent, the Staff from various airports and the input from so many simmers. I hope everyone is included if not accept my apologies and thanks any way you have made my work a little easier of the hundreds of hours that I have spent on this project which has caused a great headache for my wife. I saw her the other day for the first time in months. So a big thanks to my wife for putting up with me. You all help make FS SIM More fun and realistic.

Hope you enjoy the scenery any suggestions will be appreciated for further updates.
This Scenery is freeware, however a reasonable fee may be required to cover the costs for its postage, handling & packaging.

I have only tested this scenery in FS2002.

Roger Leupold
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