Bell-206 repaint triple pack
-RAAF Observation scout helicopter
-"San Andreas" (fictional) police helicopter
-"chanel 8 -Action News" (fictional) news helicopter
By B.Webb

Instalation instructions:

1:Unzip to any windows directory

2:Copy the three folders created (OH-58, Police, News) into your Fs 2000
Aircraft Directory (ie: ?:\program files\microsoft games\Fs2000\Aircraft)

3:Now your three new helicopter repaints should appear in your
Fs2000 aircraft listings, ENJOY
These repaint texture files, for aplication on the stock FS2000 Bell-206 Jetranger flight model are freeware and must be distributed only as such. Thus these files are not to be distributed in any form such that comercial gain may be created from them.
Any modification of these texture files for distributive purposes is forbiden without
the notice of the original creator.

Also the actual flight model asociated with these textures is not and will not be ever be claimed as the work of the textures creator.

Repaint By Brendan Webb, Queensland, Australia.