RealCRT 747 Deluxe Panel

by David Liu -


This panel is FREEWARE, feel free to use it and share it. However, this panel requires SHAREWARE guages, which are found in the Top Avionics 747 package. This panel was created to merge the RealCRT gauges into the default FS2002PRO 747-400 panel, adding the crispness of Vectoral Gauges to the functionality and eyecandy of the default 747 panel. Extensie editing of the defualt panel bitmap was needed to accomplish this. I had to make a few adjustments to the panel but everything should work as expected. READ THE HELP FILE PROVIDED WITH THE TOP AVIONICS 747 PACKAGE!!!

- This panel requires the shareware gauges from Top Avionics 747-400 package

- On the window selection buttons (row of black and white buttons above the PFD), the "GPS" button actually opens the Top Avionics FMC instead of the FS2002 GPS.

- This panel will NOT allow the autopilot to automatically follow the flight plan in NAV mode. This is due to the TA Autopilot, which was created for FS98. Therefore, use the FMC or an external program (FSNavigator) if you want the autopilot to automatically track the flightplan.

- The "virtual cockpit" still uses default fs2002 gauges, since I do not know how to modify virtual cockpits, they will stay that way.

- This was only tested in 1024x768 resolution. Although 640x480 resolution bitmaps are included, they are resized versions of the 1024x768 ones and may not be the most clear. I simply did not have the time or patience to make modifications to the default low-res bitmaps.

If you encounter any problems with the gauges, DO NOT e-mail me, I did not create them, instead contact Top Avionics at


1. Extract the .wav files to your main FS2002 sound directory (...fs2002/sounds)
2. Extract the .gau file to your main FS2002 gauge directory (...fs2002/gauges)
3. Extract the .bmp and panel.cfg file to the panel subdirectory of the aircraft in which you wish to use this panel.



Top Avionics for the RealCRT gauges
FPDA for the altitude callout gauge

--Legal Stuff--

I am not responsible for anything that happens, directly or indirectly caused by use of this panel.