Install the aircraft file directly to your fs98 aircraft folder..

copy the gauges to your fs98 gauge folder... if asked to overwrite
any gauges just say yes...

The airfile for this craft has been tweaked to offer a better glide
ratio - also the regular schweizer panel has been replaced with a
special higher visibility panel created by Max Roodvelt and the
instruments have been altered to the english version...

Panel Note: The panel has a small instument window that can be
removed or activated by pressing the shift key and #2 key together.

All in all we've made what we feel will be a great training sailplane.

This aircraft was made and painted by Captain Slug-

This aircraft is painted exactly like the one flown
by the uploader-Colin M. Graham

The SOAR logo added by Len Wagner / SOAR / A virtual Soaring Society

It is flown out of the Springwood Gliderport in Spring-
wood,Virginia (O8VA)

To install this aircraft:
Simply unzip the whole file into your fs98 aircraft
folder and go SOARING!


Also,any of you soaring pilots will want to check out
the SOAR-A Virtual Soaring Society homepage at:

Have fun!