FSX and FS2004 Handley Page HP81 Hermes
By Jens B. Kristensen, november 2008.

Version 1.0

The HP81 Hermes was a British airliner from 1948, used by BOAC for its African routes in the early 1950s, and then by various charter companies for the next 10 years.

Five variants are included:

G-ALDJ 'Hengist' of BOAC. G-ALDJ opened the U.K. to West Africa service 6. August 1950
G-ALDH 'Heracles' of BOAC, as it looked just after delivery, when it was used for crew training.
G-ALDA, formerly 'Hercuba' of BOAC, in Airwork colours 1956. Airwork used the Hermes for military charter fights, carrying British troop to bases overseas.
G-ALDA, formerly 'Hercuba' of BOAC, in Air Safaris colours 1961.
G-ALDT, formerly 'Hestia' of BOAC, in Skyways colours 1962.

For more information, see the pdf document installed in the \Docs folder.


*To install for Flight Simulator X:

Just run the included setup program.

If you have FSX Gold, FSX Service Pack 2, or the Acceleration expansion pack, remember to enable "FSX SP2 support" in the "Custom setup" dialog.

If you install SP2 later, locate the JBK HP81 Hermes 4 folder using Windows Explorer. Inside, you will find a folder called FSX_SP2. Copy the prop_blurred.bmp file to each of the texture folders.

The model works with all versions of FSX, but not if you have the 'DirectX 10 preview' option selected (This applies to Windows Vista only).

*To install for Flight Simulator 2004 - A Century of Flight:

1) Run the included setup program. When you get to the "Destination Folder" dialog, click the 'Browse' button and locate your

Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\aircraft


2) Continue the setup!


Model, panel, virtual cockpit and textures by Jens B. Kristensen, made with FSDS 3.5.1, FS Panel Studio, Paint Shop Pro and DXTbmp.


Aliased to the sounds of Douglas DC-3 that comes with Flight Simulator. You can install more exciting propliner sounds if you wish, a good choice is the Bristol Hercules sounds by Harry Follas, hercsnd.zip at www.SurClaro.com. Remember also to download the update to these sounds, brshrcug.zip by John Hinson, also available at avsim.

The gauges are to some extent default gauges of Flight Simulator, some of them modified by me for four engines. Other gauges are by me but with much inspiration from standard FS gauges by Microsoft.

The ILS indicator is based on xml code by Saviero Maurri (Vickers Varsity panel), bitmaps by me.

The autopilot is by myself, but part of the xml code (the turn button) is inspired by Saviero Maurris autopilot for the DH Dove.

A number of gauges (mostly switches) are, with permission from Tom Gibson, www.calclassic.com, based on work by Tom himself, Kevin Trinkle, Ernie Kennedy and Ken 'Mitch' Mitchell. I have used complete gauges from them (cowl flap switches), or used the bitmaps from their c-style gauges and made xml-versions of them.

Finally, a big 'thank you' to Hans-Joerg Naegele, who gave me permission to use gauges from his Lockheed 049 Constellation panel (VNConnie049.cab), directly or modified.

Magneto switches and starter buttons are based on public domain gauges by Mike 'Moparmike' Wagner, converted to xml by me.


Good luck flying the HP Hermes!

Jens B. Kristensen, 8. november 2008