By Al Wheeler and Miguel Zafra

These are revised asphalt, concrete, and marking taxiway and ramp textures for FSX.

I've used Paulo Mauricio and Miguel Zafra's improved asphalt taxiway texture for FS9 and have recommended it in my FS9 version of California Central Coast scenery readme.txt file. I recently finished and uploaded an FSX version of that scenery and found that with a little modification that improved taxiway texture would work with FSX. Mr. Zafra has given me permission to use his texture in an upload so that other's can use it in FSX if they like. It has been converted from a 512x512 BMP file to a 1024x1024 DDS file.

In this upload I'm also including a revised concrete taxiway texture file and a revised taxiway_detail.bmp file that removes the asphalt texture expansion joint lines. The revised concrete file also has expansion joint lines removed and brightness reduced. The reason I removed these lines is that when using these textures for ramps as I have in my scenery these cardinal oriented lines in many cases do not register with the predominant orientation of the ramps. As a result there are expansion joint lines occurring at unrealistic angles.

Also included is a revised texture file. This texture adds black backgrounds to taxiway markings to conform to current FAA regulations.

Any or all of these textures can be used in combination. For example: For asphalt and concrete with revised textures but WITH expansion joints, you could continue to use the default taxiway_detail.bmp. The included "after" JPG's show all four revised textures in use. Be aware that changing these textures will revise most taxiways and ramps in FSX.

Files included are:

Readme.TXT You're reading it
File_ID.DIZ Short description
License.TXT Conditions of use
1SBPBEFORE.jpg Default textures at San Luis Obispo
2SBPAFTER.jpg Revised textures at San Luis Obispo
3PRBBEFORE.jpg Default textures at Paso Robles
4PRBAFTER.jpg Revised textures at Paso Robles Revised taxiway markings (black background) Revised asphalt texture Revised concrete texture (lines removed)
taxiway_detail.bmp Revised to remove lines from asphalt texture

Install by placing the four texture files in the FSX\TEXTURE directory overwriting the originals. BE SURE TO SAVE COPIES OF THE DEFAULT ORIGINIAL TEXTURES FIRST.

Al Wheeler email California Central Coast FSX scenery dedicated web page
A note on this web page: I use it to upload corrections and updates to CCCFSX scenery as they occur. When there are enough of those to be worthwhile I intend to do uploads of them to and SurClaro.

With thanks to:
Paulo Mauricio and Miguel Zafra
Original FS9 file: downloaded from