FSX and FS2004 2D panel built for the default Baron.


Bitmap panel designed from photographs by Renato Spilimbergo with his kind authorization - see also www.Airliners.net


XML gauges of which many newly built by the author :

Altimeter and HSI as there are from FS9 R22
Switches from FS9 Baron and ASI adapted
Clock & OAT adapted from FSX Extra


General Warning : on Oil Pressure < 20 PSI or if engine on fire
Caution : on Fuel Flow < 36 PPH, Engines Oil Temp > 145°F or Engines failing

I would be happy to receive any comments about those kinds of warnings (Are they standard ? For which situations/levels ? ...)


Installation :

Unzip the files in a temporary file (you will erase it when everything OK) and copy them as followed :

The folder "Panel.FPv4" must be in the directory X:\FS ...\...\Airplanes or aircrafts\Choosenairplane

The gauges file "B58v4.cab" to be in the general "Gauges" folder or in the hereabove folder- as it is, don't unzip it.

Declare the panel in the "aircraft.cfg" file of the "Choosenairplane" :

Add the following text below the group [fltsim.x] if x was the last declaration

title=as you want but to be recognized easily
sim= as found in [fltsim.x]
model= copy from [fltsim.x] or let it blank
sound= copy from [fltsim.x] or let it blank
texture= copy from [fltsim.x] or let it blank
ui_variation=any personnal identification [different of other/default to let the avatar be seen in the catalog !]
all others items = copy from [fltsim.x] or let it blank or modify as you can recognize all info.

About the VC panel : if you want to use it, copy the several elements [Vcockpit0i] from the original panel.cfg into the new following the list of the 2D windows.


License :

As usual: enjoy it, copy it, give it, speak about it but don't make money with it !

Of course I would be happy if you are kind enough or just honest to inform me if you redistribute it - the more if you modify it.

If any trouble, complain or idea in your mind about this work - especially about the working of the gauges in comparison with the real instruments - please report it to :

August 2008