FS2004 Handley Page Victor Mark One package

by Chris Hodgson

Victor B Mk.1
Victor B Mk.1A
Victor BK Mk.1
Victor K Mk.1

This package was originally intended to be payware, with sounds, VC and panel and also to include the Mark twos. Unfortunately things didnt work out that way and I never found the time to finish the job, so here is the unfinshed project. Externally it is mostly complete, but there is no VC, Panel or sounds. I recommend David Maltbys VC10 sounds and Kazunori Itos Victor Panel.

As for the model, the FDE is partially complete and the aircraft is marginally supersonic in a dive from high altitude (like the original). There is an animated drag chute (aliased to wing fold).

This model is freeware. It is not to be used for any commercial projects or purposes. Freeware repaints are allowed, with due credit. This zip archive may be uploaded to other websites as long as due credit is given and I am notified.

As for support, limited support (based on how much time I have available) can be obtained through an email to chris.hodgson@clara.co.uk

Hope you enjoy flying her!

Chris Hodgson