General Electric CF6-80C2A Series Sounds V6 Final - HNAC A300-600/A310 & SSW A310 Replacemnt Sound Package
Emil Serafino Jr. - FS Sound Project May-August 2005


Why not give it one last go, I've been working on this masterpeice for three straight months and now it's finally ready for release! I've gathered up all my previous recordings of the American Airlines A300B4-605Rs and the new and recent ones of course into a last final A300-600/A310 CF6 soundset. There was a breakthrough sometime around Mid June where I Completely redid the Interior values for the sounds and the exterior values all in the same day! However since then I have perfected the cfg values and sound wavs to fit this new soundset. All of the sounds included in this soundpackage are only true to the sounds of the GE powered A300-600s and A310s flying today. For your enjoyment I've included a real American A300 Recording from my sources, Enjoy it and the all new soundset!!


Installation: Copy all the files in the sound folder of this zip to the sound folder of the aircraft you wish to use these sounds with. Please use the FS9 Sound Settings I provided for an enchanced experience.


Please visit my website at and register on our forums for support or any questions about this soundset. I'm sorry about the website we're still in the process of making a new one I appologise for this.

If you'd like to contact me by email feel free to do so at

Thanks for downloading and I hope you'll enjoy this soundset as much as I do!