
I just got tired of the dull night ground textures when you fly into a city or over a rural area - it didn't feel alive
I just got tired of the serious frame hit my PC took when trying other night textures that are available because it seems to me that during dusk or dawn, FS9 is trying to load the whole caboodle over one another and it stutters all over the place.

So - I copied all the *LM.bmp files to IMAGETOOL and then to PSP and one by one I started to edit them and added more lights and moved lights around. That's all ...
... I take NO credit for anything!

I simple took the coffee from one supplier, and the cream from a cow, added some sugar from my local grocery store and decided how much / many of each until the coffee tasted like coffee again.


1. Backup all the *LM.bmp textures from you FS9\scenery\world\texture folder
2. Copy the new one's into the same folder
3. Have fun!

If you don't like:

1. Delete them
2. Copy you backup files back
3. Have fun!

If you don't know what the heck I'm talking about:

1. Stand up
2. Go make some coffee
3. Sit down

Whatever you do -
Just Enjoy It !!

Terblanche Jordaan