Hawker Siddeley Trident

1) Extract the zip & you will find an 'Aircraft' folder.
2) Everything in this 'Aircraft' folder needs to go into your 'Flight Simulator 9/Aircraft' folder exactly as it is.
3) If there is also an 'Effects' folder, the files inside need to go into your 'Flight Simulator 9/Effects' folder.
4) There is no number four, so don't overcomplicate it. :-)



Model by David Maltby. e-mail:david@dmflightsim.co.uk
Latest versions of models can be downloaded from my website.

Created with Abacus FS Design Studio 2.

This aircraft is Freeware.
It may not be sold for profit or charged for in any way.
You may repaint this model and upload it to any internet site that makes it available free of charge, as long as David Maltby is credited for the original model.
David Maltby always retains full copyright of the 3D model.
Steps have been taken in the model's design to provide evidence should it be decompiled & used as a base for another 3d model.
You are not allowed to decompile this model. Although I give away the final results for free, I do not give away all the design work that went into it.

The flight dynamics are optimised for use in FS2004 only.


Panel design & gauges : David Maltby & Saverio Maurri
VC model : David Maltby
Photography, research material, 2D cockpit views : Dave Booker

Special thanks to Peter McLeland, Jon Goldwater & Brian Withers for their enthusiastic testing and expert advice. All have a huge amount of piloting experience in a wide variety of aircraft with Peter & Jon also flying Tridents for a number of years.

This panel is an accurate rendition of a real Trident airliner as in service with BEA / British Airways.
Most of the photography was done at the de Havilland Heritage museum, London Colney, with some also done at Cosford.

Every effort has been made to make it authentic in look and function, while still remaining useable in FS.
The real aircraft panel has quite a wide spread, so the main view has been set to make all the vital instruments visible for the 'single crew' FS pilot. A cut down 'pilot view' panel is also included on the 2D version and you can toggle between the two.
The Virtual Cockpit (VC) is fully functional and the model can be operated completely from VC mode. There are some helpful viewing options built into the VC that can eliminate the problems of panning around the 3D environment.
The panel is good for both the Trident 2 & 3. When used with a Trident 3 model, additional gauges for the booster engine are displayed.

The model is intended as a piloting simulation only. The engineer's position is not covered in any detail except for a simple fuel panel.

The gauges were researched using detailed BEA manuals. Written in the days when manuals were both informative and correct. :-)
The final development and testing phase was completed with the help of two ex Trident pilots. Their input over several weeks certainly put the gloss of accuracy on a fine model.


This aircraft is Freeware.
It may not be sold for profit or charged for in any way.
David Maltby always retains full copyright of the model.

Dave Booker holds the copyright of most of the photographs used in this panel.
None of the bitmaps may be used in any other project without the permission of Dave Booker.

David Maltby allows unrestricted use of the gauges and XML code in the cab file for any other freeware project.


Texture Conversion Utility for DM Flight Sim models

This utility will only work on the DM Flight Sim series of models - BAC 1-11, DH106 Comet, Vickers VC10, HS121 Trident.

These days my models mainly use 32-bit textures. This texture format offers the best image quality on higer spec PC's, but they can be quite demanding on the resources of some systems.
If your system doesn't handle the 32-bit textures well, this simple batch converter can automatically convert the model's textures into the more efficient DXT3 format.

This Texture Converter uses the batch processing capability of the standard 'Imagetool' texture conversion program that Microsoft supply for FS.

To install the texture conversion utility, copy the two files 'imagetool.exe' and 'Texture Converter.bat' into the aircraft's folder.

To convert the textures, run (double click) the file 'Texture Converter.bat'.
Read the information displayed in the window & Select the option required.