This zip file intends to make the "Nice Cote d'Azur" airport environnment looking more realistic. There is no meaning in flying too close to the added sceneries as you'll be deceived by the lack of detail.

Note that the "Monaco" area is still being developped, hence not realistic at all. You might neithertheless try a landing on the helipad.

If your computer is too slowed down, you may suppress any bgl files you are not interested in from the unzipped "Nice Area" folder.

Comments and problems might be reported to

Thanks to all people who posted sharewares such as FFSC and EOD as well as all API and texture designers.

Please install as follow:

* unzip in fs9\addon scenery. keep the "Nice Area" folder as is.

* start FS9 then click on "parameters"

* then click on scenery libray

* add a scenery

* search "addon scenery" and "Nice area"

* click on OK then restart fs9 as asked.