First of all, Thank You! to Dennis Simanaitis for the original aircraft, and for permission to offer these repaints to the public.


Install Dennis Simanaitis's F5U to FS2004

UNZIP this file to a temporary folder.
COPY the following 3 folders: Model.ref, texture.bare, and texture.yellow , to your 'f5uds' aircraft folder.
RENAME your original f5uds 'aircraft.cfg' file, I suggest the name 'original.cfg'
COPY the new aircraft.cfg file from your temporary folder to the f5uds folder

Start up FS2004 and enjoy!

Dennis Simanaitis for the original aircraft and textures
Ivan HSU, for his MDLC utility, used to add reflective texturing to the bare metal repaint.

The original unaltered files may be freely distributed, uploaded, downloaded and shared. Please maintain proper credit, of course, and make no financial gain whatsoever.

Jeff "WuhWuzDat" Delhaye