SquawkBox ICAO Greece update


May 2001

SquawkBox is the freeware program that enables FS users to fly on line with real weather, real controllers and real pilots arround them.

In this file I updated the latest icao.dat file of SquawkBox for weather downloading problems encountered within Hellenic airspace. Added missing Greek airports including new Athens E. Venizelos LGAV, removed wrong (non ICAO METAR) entries. Replacing will not cause any harm to your SquawkBox operation since its an update to the latest available icao.dat .

- Unzip icao.zip in a temporary folder
- BACKUP your original data.dat by renaming it.
- Move the new icao.dat from the temporary folder into your SquawkBox folder

If you have already edited YOR icao.dat just find all the entries starting with LG , delete them and replace the ones from this oone in your file. Save before closing it !

- ÁðïóõìðéÝóôå ôï icao.zip óå Ýíá ðñïóùñéíü öÜêåëï.
- Óþóôå ôï ôùñéíü óáò icao.dat áðü ôï öÜêåëï ôïõ SquawkBox êÜðïõ åíáëáêôéêÜ óå ðåñßðôùóç ðïõ êÜôé ÷áëÜóåôå !
- ÌåôáöÝñåôå ôï áñ÷åßï icao.dat áðü ôïí ðñïóùñéíü óôï öÜêåëï ôïõ SquawkBox

In areas like Athens with meany METAR reporting stations arround, don't forget to FORCE the destination weather in SB by entering .wx AND THEN selecting "Ignore real world weather" from the SB menu. When the flight is over, unselect this option so that weather will be updated in your next flight.

Óå ðåñéï÷Ýò üðùò ç ÁèÞíá ðïõ Ý÷åé ðïëëïýò óôáèìïýò áíáöïñÜò êáéñïý ìç îå÷íÜôå íá ÅÐÉÂÁËÅÔÅ ôï êáéñü ðñïïñéóìïý óôï SquawkBox óôÝëíùíôáò ôçí åíôïëÞ .wx <êùäéêüò icao> ÊÁÉ ÁÌÅÓÙÓ ÌÅÔÁ íá åðéëÝãåôå "Ignore real world weather" áðü ôï ìåíïý ôïõ SquawkBox. Ïôáí ôåëåéþóåé ç ðôÞóç óáò ìç îå÷Üóåôå íá ôï áðåíåñãïðïéÞóåôå áõôü þóôå ôçí åðüìåíç öïñÜ íá áíáíåþíåé ôï êáéñü äéáäñïìÞò.


For the latest SquawkBox developments and lots of help visit

If you really want to enjoy realistic on line & off line weather buy (very cheap) the excellent FSMETEO program by Marc Philibert.

Don't forget that for correct weather and communication with SquawkBox you need the file FSUIPC.DLL found at http://www.schiratti.com/dowson

For Greek SATCO on line activity visit the HvACC

Kyprianos Biris
Athens, Greece
Hellenic vACC

May 2001