{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1040{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\b\f0\fs24 FS2004 McDonnell-Douglas MD-11 Panel \par
\cf1\ul Italiano:\par
\ulnone Attenzione: Pannello esclusivamente per MS Flight Simulator 2004\par
Scompatta il file md11_pan.zip in una cartella temporanea di tua scelta.\par
Copia tutti i file contenuti nella cartella Gauges nella cartella Gauges del tuo FS9 (rispondi si ad eventuali richieste di sovrascrivere)\par
Copia tutti i file contenuti nella cartella Sound nella cartella Sound del tuo FS9 (rispondi si ad eventuali richieste di sovrascrivere)\par
Copia tutti i file contenuti nella cartella Modules nella cartella Modules del tuo FS9 (rispondi si ad eventuali richieste di sovrascrivere)\par
Sposta la cartella Panel nella cartella dell'aereo che intendi usare con questo pannello.\par
Questo \'e8 tutto.\par
Buon divertimento e ottimi voli.\par
\ul English:\par
\cf0\ulnone Warning: for MS Flight Simulator 2004 only\par
Unzip the file md11_pan.zip in a temporary folder.\par
Paste and copy the gauges folder into the main FS9 folder (overwrite if requested).\par
Item paste and copy the sound folder into the main FS9 folder (overwrite if requested).\par
Item paste and copy the Modules folder into the your main FS9 folder (overwrite if requested).\par
Put the panel folder into the your MD-11 aircraft.\par
That is all.\par
Enjoy and good fly\par
\cf2\ul\b\fs22 GAUGES AUTHORS\ulnone\par
Many thanks to all the authors of the gauges and pictures used in this panel:\par
\b Microsoft Corporation\par
Ken Mitchell\par
Andreas Jaros (FPDA)\par
Richard Probst\par
Jorge Salas\par
Alex Bashkatov (Flightsim Developers)\par
HGHB Virtual Instruments\b0\par
\b ERK Panels\par
Tony D'Ambrosio (Piane Corporation)\par
Mike Weerasinghe\par
Peter Beddig\par
Melville Consulting\par
DragonFly Design\par
Eric Marciano\par
Alex Backfire (Flightsim Developers)\par
Bluesky Software Development (STZ KC)\par
Dome Fliteware\par
Mike Stone (Bluesky Software Developers)\par
\cf0\b0\f1 ========================================================================================\par
\cf2\b\f0\fs22 COPYRIGHT\par
\b0\fs20 This software is released as Freeware. Copyright Antonio Bucoli. As freeware you are permitted to distribute this archive subject to the following conditions:\par
- The archive must be distributed WITHOUT ANY MODIFICATION to the contents of the archive. Redistributing this archive with any files added, removed or modified is prohibited, except as specified under.\par
- The inclusion of any individual file from this archive in another archive without the prior permission of the author is prohibited\par
- No charge may be made for this archive other than that to cover the cost of its distribution. If a fee is charged it must be made clear to the purchaser that the archive is freeware and that the fee is to cover the distributor's costs of providing the archive. \par
All trademarks and logos presented are copyrighted by their respective owners.\par
Antonio Bucoli\par
[MED_0149 Chief Captain]\line e-mail: tonylicj@tiscali.it \par
January 2004\f2\fs20\par