Lockheed VP-3A "Catbird"


Model making and the photo editing of VC etc. By Daisuke Yamamoto.

FDE creating and the texture editing. By Hiroaki Kubota.(Catbird color by Luis da Costa Pereira)

2D Panel creating. by Toshikazu Harada.


A variety of derivation types exist in Lockheed P-3 (Lockheed Martin).
In the kind, there is an aircraft that repairs P-3A and became UP-3A of the general-purpose
transportation aircraft and VP-3A of the important person transportation aircraft.

Thank you for Downloading.

This program requires P-3C_.zip.
(For Panel and Sound)

About the contents of this model, it is equivalent to P-3C_.zip.

Installation Guide
@@@@After unziping the file, please install the file Lockheed VP-3A.EXE accord to
the instruction.

Target directory

The drive which your FS2004 is installed(the default is C:/).
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@--Program Files
--Microsoft Games
--Flight Simulator 9
| |
| --[VP-3A_GMAX]
--Effects --[P-3landing.fx]

The relative files will be placed in the relative folders so you do not need to
move the files after installation. It will be placed in the above directory as

June Happy day / 2005
