FS2002 Beechcraft Super G18 Panel MOD

This is a modification of the default panel
which comes with Greg Peppers Super G (b18g2k2.zip).
Bitmap was reworked to add drop shadows, and additional
instruments were installed, some replaced, some modified.
Changes are reflected in the Virtual Cockpit as well.
This is meant as a drop in replacement for the default panel.
No additional files are necessary. Everything included.

To install, simply unzip the file to a temporary directory.
Move the contents of the "Gauges" folder to your FS2002 gauges
folder, replacing if prompted to do so. (No gauges are changed,
it's safe.)

Rename your current "panel" folder inside the Super G aircraft folder
to "panel.old",
then move the "Panel" folder included in this download
to the Super G aircraft folder.

In the aircraft.cfg file for your SuperG, you will have to modify
the "Radios" section, in order for the new radios to function
properly. Basically, we are disabling the standby frequencies.

Either copy and paste the following lines over the original [Radio]
section, or modify your existing [Radio] section to read like you see

----- START COPY HERE -----
Com.1=1, 0
Com.2=0, 0
Nav.1=1, 0, 1
Nav.2=1, 0, 0
----- END COPY HERE -----

Changes were mostly cosmetic. The original bitmap by Greg Pepper
was excellent, but I wanted it to look even better, and wished for
a couple of more instruments to be included and the radios changed.

Shadows were added to the bitmap, some instruments changed, and the radios
replaced. The primary instruments which were changed are reflected in the
VC as well. The toggle switch at the top left of the panel will toggle
VOR1 and VOR2 on the RMI.

Many thanks to Greg Pepper for building such a wonderful aircraft,
and also for giving permission for this modification to be distributed.

Copyright for this panel is identical to the copyright included with
the original Super G package. All copyrights belong to Greg Pepper.

by Greg Pepper and Jorge 'eko' Salas.