
This is my second mission. Use at your own risk. ;-)

Tell me if you had problems installing or playing the mission, if it was challenging or boring, if you had fun... Email me at whutter@gmx.de.


1. Download boad_bri.zip from http://www.SurClaro/kdl.php?fid=121336 and install it.

2. Extract this archive to your [FSX_root]\Missions\Emergency folder.

3. Move or copy Speedbird9_reward.rwd to your FSX rewards folder [FSX_root]\Rewards.

4. Start FSX. From "Missions" choose "Speedbird9 in danger" using the "Emergency" category and the "Advanced" level to narrow the list down, if it is too long.

Now I hope everything works and you have fun.


This mission may be made available for download or included in software packages as long as

* you don't change the file(s)
* you give proper credit to the author
* it is given away for free.

The mission logo was made based on an original picture by "Anynobody" which was taken from Wikimedia commons. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:747-ba9.png

The thumbnail is a combination of the above picture with a photo by Oliver Spalt (http://www.artweise.de/) which was taken from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rinjani_1994.jpg

The reward picture was taken from http://just4airlines.com/j4_dox/email/article/art3.mv

Have fun and God bless,
Wolfgang <><