Quabbin Reservoir Seadrome AFCAD for FS9

This is the second version of my imaginary seaplane base on Quabbin Reservoir in central Massachusetts. It adds a simple plank dock, lots of AI parking, and a water runway that AI planes can use. This version makes the dock a little smaller, adds moored parking, and realigns the runway to keep the AI planes clear of high ground.

Quabbin Reservoir was never open to seaplanes or powerboats, and since 9/11 you can't even get near most of the lake anymore. But in Flight Simulator, if you don't mind virtually polluting virtual Boston's virtual drinking water, you can fly seaplanes or sail powerboats there.

Quabbin Seadrome is located on the western shore of the large penninsula that separates the parts of the lake held by Windsor Dam and Goodnough Dike, in what used to be Enfield, Massachusetts before it was flooded to make the reservoir. The tower view is in the approximate location of Enfield Lookout on the reservation road.


Just drop the AFCAD file into your Flight Simlator 9 / Addon Scenery / Scenery folder.

The seadrome will show up on your Select Airport menu under United States / Massachusetts / Enfield / Quabbin Reservoir. The airport ID code is MXQ.

There is a terminal NDB with a range of 37.5 miles and a frequency of 281.0.

A splash screen is provided for those who have one of the splash screen randomizer applications.

You're on your own for AI planes and traffic. Lee Swordy's AFCAD and Traffic Tools programs will let you create traffic galore, and the documentation will teach you how. There are AI floatplanes available in several freeware and payware packages, such as Tom Constantine's Maine, Holger Sandmann's AI Floatplane Kit, and several of Bill Lyons' Golden Eagles Squadron packages. Some floatlane models, like Joe Binka's Cessna 195 and Brian Gladden's Norseman, work well as AI planes. You can also make AI floatplanes from many Gmax and many FSDS2 models; the documentation in Sandmann's AI Floatplane kit should get you started.


I can imagine no possible way these files could harm your computer, but I accept no responsibility for any consequences, real or imagined. Use these files at your own risk.

These files are freeware but the author retains the copyright. They may not be sold, alone or as part of a package, and they may not be uploaded to any website that claims a copyright on files uploaded to it.

Mick Morrissey