AFCAD file for MALTA Luqa to use with freeware Malta from Daniel Chircop
(Version 1)

Thank you for downloading and using this AFCAD file.

(A overlay version will be soon available)

The lines and nodes are drawn for maximal and most realistic performance
of FS2002 AI traffic. Changing nodes or modifying linescan result in
malfunction of the traffic.

What you need:
- LMML airport from Daniel Chircop
- Lee Swordy's AFCAD program

What you do
- put LMML1_AFC_RVDB.txt in the AFCAD folder
- execute AFCAD program
- Open airport LMML
- export the airport -> LMML1.txt (this in case you want to revert to
the old file)
- import LMML1_AFC_RVDB.txt file
- answer "Yes" on the question for replacing the airport

That's it. I hope you enjoy it

This file is freeware, commonware, changeware,....so, no money may be
asked for it !

Thanks to Lee Swordy for his superb AFCAD program

Comments, remarks, appreciations, ....etc are welcome
Robert Vandenberghe - AFCAD designer IFSD team