Scenery for FS2k / Aircraft Carrier and Escorts.

Using Airport V2-65 I have created these ships in the English Channel, they are to the
east of the Isle of Wight. and can accessed by the Flight deck option in go to Airport
or the Aircraft carrier is transmitting a VOR on the frequency 110.10 with DME and a
range of 80 Nautical miles. The Flight deck and the Helipads on the escorts are fully
functional. Special thanks to Dan Geis and Frank Foreman the design and use of the
macro files.

Unzip the Carrier to a spare folder, there you will find a folder titled Carrier
plus the readme files (this one). In the Carrier folder are the scenery and texture
folders, so all that you need to do is place the Carrier folder into the main Scenery
folder of FS2k. Then when in FS go to the scenery library and add new scenery dialog
box, open scenery, locate Carrier, open, add area title (Carrier) highlight the scenery
folder and click on OK. Now at the top of the priority list should be your new scenery
I would suggest that you assign it to a higher priority than Europe.

This is freeware and as such should not be changed in any way without my permission
and should not used for any commercial purpose. I would be pleased to recieve any
comments or idea`s etc, and if anyone has photo`s of airfields that they wish to
be created please let me know.

Paul Roberts. e-mail