EDSP - Fliegerhorst Pferdsfeld

Dear Flightsimmer,

EDSP - Fliegerhorst Pferdsfeld Version 1.0 is a scenery Add-On only to use with MSFS-2000.
This is my first scenery and it is far from being finished or being perfect. The general layout of
the Airfield should be quiet ok. I didn´t have had any satellite picture or any map to prove the
layout. I was stationed at Pferdsfeld for about four years and I was a ´bit dissappointed not to
find the base within FS2000. In a further version I will improve the look of the aircraft shelter
which are not the best choice due to its origin as a third generation HAS. The German Air Force
has it´s own design. The textures are only for summer time, sorry. If anyone of you has some
whishes or suggestions how to further improve the scenery, performance or add the right radio
settings I would be pleased to hear from you.

Many thanks go to A. Klisch who helped me a lot during the developement, giving me essential

I hope everything works out fine and many happy landings at EDSP



Create a directory, for example:
Create a directory SCENERY
Create a directory TEXTURE

Your tree should/could now look as follow:

Copy - PFER_exc.bgl - and - PFERDSFELD.bgl - into the SCENERY directory
- Unzip all the texture files within the Edsptext.ZIP into your FS2000 Texture directory
- Start Flight Simulator
- Add the scenery throught your scenery library manager.
- Exit Flight Simulator
-Add the following lines to the entry made for EDSP in your FS2000/scenery.cfg file:

Title=(Pferdsfeld or EDSP)
Local=(place here your local file diectory)
Flatten.0=1306,N49 59.5,E7 43.5,N49 59.5,E7 28.5,N49 44.5,E7 28.5,N49 44.5,E7 43.5

Caution - Layer Number and location of your file will likely be different


Designed with Airport for Windows v2.60
Copyright © 1996-2000 Tom Hiscox, Pascal Meziat and Manfred Moldenhauer. All Rights Reserved.
Compiled with SCASM by Manfred Moldenhauer

Copyright and Distribution:
This scenery should not be included within commercial Add-on´s, publications of any form!
This scenery is freeware, you can't obtain money for it.
Copyright © 2001 Friedrich Becker, J79@gmx.de

Aircraft Shelters:

HAS (Hardened Aircraft Shelter) API Macro, Version 1.11
Created and copyright 1999, David Andrew Green, 04/08/99
Email: David.A.Green@student.shu.ac.uk


Robert Waszkiewicz
michel manelphe
eric leroy


Michel Manelphe PVF 264
Thierry Videlaine, CIS 100445,3625
Serge Baye (CIS 101334,1366)
Hans Meier 1995, hans_m@iafrica.com
eric leroy PVF 131
Jan Nielsen CIS 100044,1631
Paul Roberts


Serge Baye (CIS 101334,1366)

several Tarmac Sections:

Friedrich Becker, e-mail j79@gmx.de
Macro´s generated by using EOD 1.0.25
(Easy Object Designer byMatthias Brückner, April 2001, Version 1.1.25. E-Mail: mbrueckner@echos.ch)
EOD Website: http://www.flightsimmers.net/brueckner/ or http://www.echos.ch/eod/