Thank you for downloading this model, designed with FSDS as a freeware
aircraft by Rey Lopez and Erick Cantu, e-mail:reylopez_99@yahoo.com
If you downloaded this file from FSPlanet, please contact me immidiatly, they are not an authorized FS site.


Upon unzipping the file RLE-3SFM.ZIP, you will notice the standard folders for FS2002, the panel folders point to the B737_400 panel . I have also included a folder named "document", and that folder is for reference to the panel that I personally use and it is the most real panel available for the 707, I strongly recomend everyone to use it.

As in my other models, no modification is allowed without my prior concent and approval, this is also true with any repaints. This model was flown and tested in my system without any problems, however, I do not make my self responsible for any damage this might cause in your individual system. If you have any questions, please write to me at the above e-mail, and for other of my models, they can be found in SurClaro, search keyword "Rey Lopez", they include the B24, B36, B47, B29 Fifi, and many others, so enjoy them, and if you would like and enjoy my model, please vote for me in the monthly SurClaro contest.

Have fun!!