
Kansai International Airport Scenery for FS2002

Version 1.00

¡ Introduction

This Scenery is Scenery of the Kansai International Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002(FS2K2).
The object was altogether created using GMAX.
The direction out of which it does not come with FS2K2 cannot be usedB

¡ The contents of a file

@@@@@Kansai.bgl@ @ @runway, taxiing way, apron, etc.
@@@@@Kansai_Bridge.bgl@ @Sky Gate Bridge, Gate Tower building, Rinkuu Town, etc.
@@@@@Kansai_Chair_1`4.bgl Chair of the terminal boarding waiting room, lighting, etc.
@@@@@Kansai_D_Cargo.bgl@ Domestic Cargo area, Inspection hole, Port terminal, etc.
@@@@@Kansai_Gate_1`4.bgl@Gateway of a terminal
@@@@@Kansai_I_Cargo.bgl@ International Cargo area, Hangar, Fuel stockpile tank, etc.
@@@@@Kansai_Lamp.bgl@@@ Lighting tower of a terminal.
@@@@@Kansai_Navi.bgl@@@ Navigation support institution around a runway.
@@@@@Kansai_Road.bgl@@@ Road in an airport, etc.
@@@@@Kansai_Terminal_1.bgl Kansai International Airport terminal building.
@@@@@Kansai_Terminal_2.bgl Terminal circumference building.
@@@@@Kansai_ph.bgl@@@ @Illustration Scenery for coastline correction.
@@@@@`.bmp @@ @It is each texture file.
RJBB_nono.txt RJAA facility data (AFCAD by Lee Swordy) by Mr.nono

¡ The installation method

@In order to install this scenery, 76MB of availability is required.
@When scinst.exe is double-clicked after thawing kansai.zip in an arbitrary holder,
@installation is auto matically. Since it starts, the rest should follow directions of a screen.
@* scinst.exe -- Murakami Takuya him (http://flightinfo.ens.ne.jp/tmurakam/)
@-- it was created It is a general-purpose scenery installer.
¡ Data

@ILS@RWY06 (IKD) 108.1 058‹ RWY24 (IKN) 110.7 238‹

VOR KANSAI (KNE) 111.8 N34 25.8 E135 15.1

¡ Advice

@Since it is creating using GMAX, although it thinks that operation is light comparatively
@with many polygons currently used, when operation is heavy, please remove a bgl file for
@the above-mentioned contents of a file to reference.
¡ Updating history

@Ver.1.00 2002/12/24 First creation
¡ Legal Notice

@This file is a freeware product and may not be included in any commercial package or website.
If you decide to use any part of this package, whether it is for freeware use or commercial,
you must obtain permission from me, the author.
@Kazuhiro Miyazaki have the copyright regarding this program.
This scenery It did not guarantee. Though you suffer what damage by having used this scenery,
we is not concerned at all.

¡ RJBB facility data

@The tool AFCAD with which Mr. Lee Swordy was created is required for correction of a gate.
As for this data, Mr. Nono(http://www.kumin.ne.jp/k-kodama/) is created. It appends by good will.


¡ In manufacture

@It is thankful to Mr. B-Seven of an airline pilot, PhotoTechno Hokkaido Co,ltd,and
@Kyouritsu Aviation photo Co,ltd, offered data, from the bottom of its heart in manufacture.
@moreover, Mr. Murakami who offered the installer to Mr.nono which had RJBB Airport Facility Files
@manufactured -- thank you very much, it was
¡ Author

Kazuhiro Miyazaki@(White bear)

Email : miyazaki@nirai.ne.jp

Homepage : http://flightinfo.ens.ne.jp/sfs/