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McDonnell-Douglas/Boeing CF-18/A Hornet

(4 Wing) 410 Squadron 'Cougars' 50th Anniversary Hornet
Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Air Demonstration Aircraft
CAF #188749

An original aircraft model and textures by Dean Reimer
copyright (c) 2001 aerialfoundry/dean reimer



This is only an abridged version of the accompanying Word document which goes into greater detail on the history of the CAF and the CF-18/A Hornet itself. There is also an Hornet panel users guide along with some flight tips that may help in maneuvering this aircraft.



* You will find two additional zip files within the main "Hornet".zip. These include a gauges and panel files for the Hornet Panel.

* After unzipping the main zip file, place the Hornet aircraft folder into your FS2002 main aircraft directory.

* Updated model files will go into the model folder of the Hornet main folder

* New and Updated textures will go into the Hornet texture Folder

The path should look something like the directory path below:

C:/ Program Files
/Microsoft Games
/hornet ** holds .air, .cfg files and sub-folders
/model ** holds model files
/panel ** holds panel .bmps and .cfg files
/sound ** holds sound .wav and .cfg files
/textures ** holds all aircraft .bmp files

* Unzip panel.zip and place the panel.cfg and bitmaps into the panel folder of your main Hornet aircraft folder.

* Unzip gauges.zip and place all gauge files into your FS2002 main gauges folder.

Once everything is in place, you're "good to go!" Start up fs2002, load the Hornet and get ready to takeoff!


And finally, thanks to all of you in the flight sim community for your tremendous support and enthusiasm. I hope you find endless hours of fun trotting the globe from wherever you are. Cheers!!!

If you would like to reach me for comment, feel free to drop me a line at: dean@aerialfoundry.com. As well, if you get the chance, please drop by the main aerialfoundry site at: www.aerialfoundry.com

I look forward to hearing from you and wish all simmers the best, enjoy your flight!
